+ How long is the program?
This full body detox program moves through 4 stages of detoxification in 4 months. Each phase targets a different body system and is 1 month long.
+ Why do I need to detox?
Years and years of accumulating toxins from our environment wreak havoc on our immune systems and bodies. Our air, water, food, cleaning supplies, cosmetics, and houses/offices are loaded with toxic chemicals and pathogens that alone and in combination cause disease. While we can't escape these modern day toxins, we can significantly lessen our toxic load through detoxification.
Top reasons you may need to detox:
- Traveled outside the country
- Exposed to mold
- Have pets
- Exposed to chemicals (industrial + household)
- Exposed to pesticides/herbicides (think food, water supply and environment)
- Taken prescription medications
- Eaten conventional, non-organic foods
- Drank tap water
- Used non-stick cookware
- Used plastic water bottles + tupperware
- Exposed to Roundup (aka glyphosate)
- Get sick often
+ What is the Clean Slate Program?
Clean Slate Program : 4 month FULL BODY DETOX designed to clear up toxins and pathogens systemically. This program opens drainage pathways, scrubs the gut, and detoxes parasites, microplastics, heavy metals, mold, radioactive elements, viruses, bacteria and more.
+ Do I have to change my diet?
Yes, the Clean Slate Program includes nutrition guidelines. While this program is highly effective on its own, committing to the dietary changes will further enhance the outcome of your detox and is highly recommended. Fundamental health and wellness starts with the foods we eat. We like to look at these dietary guidelines as lifestyle changes that will set you up for success even when the detox is over.
The Clean Slate Program focuses on the inclusion of clean and unprocessed whole foods while eliminating refined sugar, toxic oils, gluten, and conventional dairy.
+ Do I need to eliminate alcohol?
The Clean Slate Program includes nutrition guidelines including limiting alcohol consumption. Our bodies heal and repair more efficiently without the burden of alcohol on our liver and kidneys.
+ Will I experience detox reactions?
The first step of the program "Energy + Drainage" is a key phase to minimize detox reactions. Step 1 focuses on opening your drainage pathways (colon, liver/gallbladder, kidneys, lymphatic system, and glymphatic system) to prepare the body for detox and prevent toxin back flow and build up. That being said, every BODY is different. Mild detox reactions as your body heals and re-regulates are normal. Our team of functional nutritionists will be with you along the way to help you navigate the ins and outs of detoxing and any reactions that may occur.
+ How is this program different from other detoxes and cleanses out there?
The Clean Slate Program utilizes CellCore's cutting edge carbon technology supplementation (see next question) to pull out pathogens and toxins from the body. Unlike traditional detoxes that solely focus on single organ systems, like a liver detox, this four month comprehensive full body detox addresses the ENTIRE body and all organ systems, removing pathogens and toxins at the cellular level.
+ What is carbon technology?
Binders are essential to detoxification. Carbon technology is a brand new category of binders (substances that remove toxins + pathogens from the body) and drivers (substances that carry nutrients into the cells).
Unlike traditional binders (such as activated charcoal, bentonite clay or diatomaceous earth), these carbon-based binders can attach to toxins and heavy metals and remove them from the body, while leaving behind essential nutrients. Other binders can miss toxins hiding deeper in the tissues and bones and deplete the body of nutrients. Only carbon-based binders can determine what should be removed and what should be left behind.
+ How much does the program cost?
The Clean Slate Program is 4 monthly payments of $359, shipping and tax included.
+ I finished the detox, now what?
Congrats on wiping your slate clean! Members who have completed the Clean Slate Program have access to the maintenance protocol and supplements. We can't recommend this enough - don't let your body's toxic load build-up! Following the maintenance protocol keeps your body clean and free of pathogen and toxin build-up.
+ How often should I detox?
We recommend doing the Clean Slate Program every 1-2 years to keep the body in optimal health. Those who have completed the Clean Slate Program have access to the maintenance protocol and supplements.
+ Can I take other supplements/prescription medications while doing these programs?
Please consult your doctor. Make sure to keep all CellCore products 2 hours away from prescription medication to ensure no interactions between CellCore products and the prescription.
CellCore supplements are safe to take with other supplements.
+ Can I do the detox if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
We do not recommend the program while pregnant or breastfeeding. That beign said, it is a great idea to detox prior to conceiving (for both partners) to limit the amount of toxins passed on to your baby as well as improve chances of conceiving!
+ I have a nut allergy, can I take the supplements in this program?
There are two supplements in the program that contain black walnut hull. Please contact us prior to beginning the program if you have a walnut allergy and we will provide you with alternative supplements.
+ What's your cancelation/refund policy?
We allow 1 hour from the time of purchase to cancel your program subscription for a full refund of $359. 1 hour after purchase all sales are final.
To cancel any subsequent orders, you’ll need to notify us 1 month prior to your renewal/charge date. Failure to do so will result in your payment being processed and order being shipped.
See our full cancelation/refund policy here.