Vitamin D, Sun Protection & Non-Toxic Sunscreen

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While a little sunshine every day is ideal, over exposure is harmful to your body and produces free radicals that attack DNA and cause damage to your cells, putting you at higher risk for cancer and other life threatening diseases.

But this doesn't mean you need to renounce the sun's rays all together and hide indoors! There are sensible solutions to getting just the right amount of sun so you can continue to spend as much time in the great outdoors as your heart desires.



Today we’re taking a deep dive into the world of sunscreen, vitamin D and sun protection. We love the sun, and if we were left to our own devices we would catch as many rays as the day allowed. Clearly we’re not sun phobic, but that’s not to say we’re not sun smart. If you’re an outdoor enthusiast you know one of the greatest things about being outside is feeling the warmth of the sun's rays. Whether you’re hiking, biking, climbing, playing your favorite sport, or just tanning on your deck, it’s always better with clear skies and sunshine. The sun is a wonderful thing, it’s rays warm us physically and emotionally. It is essential to ALL life and humans are no exception.



Up to 90 percent of adults in the U.S. are believed to have a vitamin D deficiency. The major causes? Lack of sun exposure and the use of sunscreen. Ironic, right?

We live in a sun phobic society, that promotes the use of toxic chemical sunscreens to protect us from the sun. The overzealous use of sunscreen and lack of sun exposure has resulted in widespread vitamin D deficiency that is linked to common cancers, heart disease, obesity, depression, and multiple sclerosis. Vitamin D deficiency is also correlated with increased risks of developing autoimmune diseases, hypertension and various infectious diseases.

Vitamin D is essential to life. Our bodies make vitamin D by converting UVB sunshine rays into D3 that is used by the body. Vitamin D is ultimately a precursor to an important steroid hormone that impacts not only our skeletal structure (healthy bones and teeth), but also our blood pressure, immunity, mood, brain function and ability to protect ourselves from cancer.

Humans were designed to get most of their Vitamin D through sunlight. While there are several sources of vitamin D, food and supplements included, sun exposure is the most optimal and easily used form by the body. There are a few foods that contain Vitamin D, but unless you eat a lot of them all the time, they probably won’t provide enough for what your body needs to thrive. You can also get vitamin D by taking supplements. This is a good way to get vitamin D if you can’t get enough sunlight (like in the winter months). Vitamin D3 is the best kind of supplement to take. Avoid vitamin D2, as it is a synthetic alternative.



All sunscreens are not created equal. Conventional sunscreen is loaded with chemicals, including parabens, carcinogens, and oxybenzone, an endocrine disruptor that may increase your risk of skin cancer.

There are two types of sunscreens. Type one sits on the top of your skin, usually containing either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, causing UV rays to bounce off. These sunscreens have proven over years of use to be a safe and effective means of blocking both UVA and UVB light. The second type uses chemical filters that absorb into your skin and only block UVB radiation (including octisalate, oxybenzone, avobenzone, homosalate, octinoxate and octocrylene). Several of these chemicals are hormone disruptors that have been shown to alter reproductive ability, delay puberty, alter estrous cycles in mice, reduce sperm counts in animal studies, and alter thyroid function.

Although sunscreen is recommended as a way to reduce skin aging and your risk of skin cancer, many products have just the opposite effect. A 2018 report from Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that nearly 67 percent of sunscreens didn’t work. Meaning the vast majority of sunscreens available for purchase in the U.S. still contain damaging chemicals and/or fail to offer enough protection against ultraviolet rays.

Bottom line is your best sun protection comes from hats, sunglasses, clothing, and non toxic sunscreens (zinc oxide).



When choosing a non toxic sunscreen your safest and best choice is non-nano zinc oxide. Avoid nano versions as they can put you at risk for potential toxicity. Similar to chemical sunscreens, nano sunscreens contain particles that will enter the bloodstream. However non-nano particles are large enough to where they will not penetrate the skin. For that reason non-nano sunscreen is safer. To help you choose the best products, EWG performs an annual sunscreen evaluation based on effectiveness and safety.

The sunscreens featured in EWG's best sunscreens' list do not contain the toxic ingredients listed above. Instead of using chemicals that penetrate the skin and disrupt hormones, the safer sunscreens tend to use non-nano particle sized zinc- and titanium-based mineral ingredients, which block the sun's rays without penetrating your skin. From the EWG’s list  our favs are Badger and Babo Botanicals. We also like this DIY sunscreen!

Note: Because you don't experience better protection with higher SPF numbers, it's usually best to stick with SPF 30.


Top 3 Tips for Safe Sun Exposure

1. If you are in the sun for long periods of time, cover up with clothing, a hat or find a little shade.

2. Eat a healthy diet full of natural antioxidants and a balance of good quality omega-6 and omega-3 oils (fresh, raw, and unprocessed).

3. Opt for a non-toxic (chemical free), non-nano sunscreen.


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