How to Rewire Your Brain Through Positive Affirmation
How to Rewire Your Brain Through Positive Affirmation
“Whether you think you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right” - Henry Ford
Your thoughts are powerful things. But are your thoughts powerful enough to rewire your brain and ultimately create your reality? The answer is a resounding yes. The only thing standing between you and your desired reality is your mind.
What limiting beliefs are preventing you from reaching your highest potential? Limiting beliefs sound like: I can’t do this or that, I’m not good enough, I’m get the idea.
Don’t let negative beliefs, limit your potential. Instead, challenge YOUR beliefs by changing your internal dialogue. Using positive affirmations is a quick and effective way to change your thought patterns and subsequently, your brain activity.
When you notice yourself having negative, self limiting thoughts, say F that! Flip the script and empower yourself.
To affirm is the act of stating facts and or asserting something strongly. An affirmation is simply a spoken or written statement, in the present tense, declaring that a desired reality is now coming into being.
Affirmations are used to reprogram the subconscious mind to believe certain things about ourselves or about the world and our place within it, in turn helping us create the reality we want.
You’re using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. All of your self-talk is a stream of either positive or negative affirmations. With every word and thought you’re affirming and creating your life experiences - for better or for worse. By saying positive affirmations you’re strengthening your ability to manifest your desires.
Evidence-based research shows that affirmations, like prayer, actually rewire the brain on a cellular level. The mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real or fantasy. This is what makes affirmations so incredible! Affirmations have the ability to program your mind into believing a specific stated concept.
When you say, think, and write affirmations you are accessing the subconscious mind and reprogram it with new and empowering information. Through repetition, affirmations reinforce an intention so deeply that it bypasses your conscious mind, and goes straight into your subconscious creating new neural pathways within your brain.
Repeat after me - I think I can, I think I can, I think I… totally kidding! But in all seriousness if you truly want to harness the power of your mind follow these three simple steps:
In what areas of your life are you telling yourself you are not good enough or can’t do something? Take out a piece of paper and and write down any thoughts or beliefs that are potentially holding you back. Here are examples of limiting beliefs.
I am not smart enough
I am not muscular/fit enough
I am too young/ I am too old
I don’t have enough time
I don’t deserve [money, success]
I don’t have the skills
I can’t lose or put on weight
I can’t pursue my dreams
I can’t be my real self
Tell yourself you are all these things that you think you’re not. It doesn't matter if you don’t truly believe it right now, keep saying them over and over and your brain will begin to believe it. You can also write them down to increase their efficacy. Writing an affirmation down allows your mind one more way to absorb the positive message. Here are examples of how to flip those beliefs.
I am not strong enough → I am strong enough
I can’t eat healthy → I am eating healthy or I CHOOSE to eat healthy foods
I don’t have enough money → I am receiving all the money I need
Affirmations are more beneficial when they are repeated. The more you repeat the same affirmation, the more your subconscious begins to believe it. Hold the picture of the life you want steadfast in your mind, affirm it and you will eventually create that life.
Note: The most important part of affirmations is to say / write them in the present tense, as if it’s already true. In doing so, you are telling your mind that this is already happening; that you are already this person, and you have the things you want.
5 Affirmations to Rewire Your Brain and Boost Your Mind Power
1. I am enough - I am good enough, worthy enough, and deserving enough.
2. I am unlimited in my wealth. All areas of my life are abundant and fulfilling.
3. I deserve the best and I accept it now.
4. I flow easily with new experiences, new challenges, and new people who enter my life.
5. I am free of destructive fears and doubts.